Tuesday, February 26, 2008

here goes..

Its only 12:40ish and I'm already pissed off. I had to get up at 6.. which was lovely, I left my room by 7, and got to my observation site at about 7:45. Sat around watching a class for about 3 hours and decided to leave early because when I looked outside.. it was blizzarding... PERFECT! Driving across the Mid-Hudson Bridge, I couldn't see ANYTHING, but obviously I have arrived back safely, but I can't stand how stupid people get when the weather gets bad.. they seem to forget how to drive. I circled campus twice trying to find a parking spot close to my class.. and there were none.. so I came back to my room.. and stayed. There was no way I was getting to the computer lab to print out papers and getting to my class on time.. so OH WELL. There is always next week.