Sunday, February 24, 2008

Can't Sleep

So.... I can't sleep, and I don't know why. Well that's not true, I'm sure there is an endless list of reasons why I can't sleep. There are way too many things racing through my mind and I can't clear my head for long enough to sleep. All of the obvious things jump to mind ... my list of assignments and readings and study guides I need to complete for this week of classes, the fact that at this very moment..I would do anything to be at home instead of school, my adjustment period takes longer and longer each time I come back here ( I think that is because I have more to look forward to at home than I do at school). Other things on my mind... the weather, although the snow is beautiful as I said in my earlier post, I'm going to be pissed if it messes up my week. Hmm.. another factor... I've been trying to get this chip off my shoulder for the past few months so that I can just be happy and not hide anything anymore and I just can't seem to find a way to deal with the situation (too many details to explain..maybe some other time) ...but eventually I'll figure that out, hopefully within the next few weeks. Then of course there is always issues when it comes to family. I've got a wonderful family, I love them all, but sometimes I just need my own space, my own time, and whenever I am home, there is always a fight over who I spend more time with... its just ridiculous. It feels a lot better to get some of this off my chest... maybe I can sleep now.

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