Leap day.. something that only happens every four years.. we all know this, but do we know what else happens?? I heard it on the radio this morning and thought to myself that I needed to remember to look it up. Leap day is also known as the day for women to propose. "According to folk tradition, the leap year (and especially the leap day) is when women can take the lead in popping the question - and when their proposals cannot be refused." Well that's something different (not in a bad way.. just different from what our society and culture are used to). Check it out.. here and here
Friday, February 29, 2008
I've been trying to pay more attention to new music and I've been listening to Kate Voegele. I think she's got a great voice and they have a good sound. The songs are mainly about losing love and stuff like that but they are still pretty good.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
How to Seduce an Aries.. :)
So.. I was browsing AOL.com like I do almost everyday, just to see whats going on, see what people are interested in and came across this article in the Astrology section titled Seduction by Sign, and of course I became curious and decided to see if any of it actually fit my sign (Aries). Let's just say.. I was shocked... it hit the nail on the head! LOL I don't really know how accurate it was toward many of the other signs.. but I do think that the Gemini, Leo, and Scorpio were also on the right tracks (or at least apply pretty well to the people I know with those signs). Take a look, see if it describes what you like :)
Have you always wanted blue eyes?
So... I'm sure everyone has thought about contacts before, and wanting to change your eye color. I have brown eyes and have always wanted green or blue.. but this is just one extent I will not go to for blue eyes. Check it out BLUE EYES
Freaky stuff huh?! I love tattoos.. I've got a few of my own and I am always wanting more, but there will never be a day that I would even consider getting my EYEBALL TATTOOED! There is no way to know what the side effects of injecting your cornea with ink is going to do to you in 20 years! Definitely one trend.. I will NOT be following.
Freaky stuff huh?! I love tattoos.. I've got a few of my own and I am always wanting more, but there will never be a day that I would even consider getting my EYEBALL TATTOOED! There is no way to know what the side effects of injecting your cornea with ink is going to do to you in 20 years! Definitely one trend.. I will NOT be following.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
here goes..
Its only 12:40ish and I'm already pissed off. I had to get up at 6.. which was lovely, I left my room by 7, and got to my observation site at about 7:45. Sat around watching a class for about 3 hours and decided to leave early because when I looked outside.. it was blizzarding... PERFECT! Driving across the Mid-Hudson Bridge, I couldn't see ANYTHING, but obviously I have arrived back safely, but I can't stand how stupid people get when the weather gets bad.. they seem to forget how to drive. I circled campus twice trying to find a parking spot close to my class.. and there were none.. so I came back to my room.. and stayed. There was no way I was getting to the computer lab to print out papers and getting to my class on time.. so OH WELL. There is always next week.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Have you kept your faith?
So... have you kept your childhood faith? How many people do you know that have abandoned the religion they were raised learning and practicing to follow another religion or none at all? It is becoming very common for this to happen. In fact, the recently released study by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life shows that nearly half of American adults have left the religion they were brought up practicing. Check it out.
I don't really think this is surprising at all, its actually pretty understandable. There are so many controversial issues that surround religious practices today, that it makes people question their religion. I was raised in a Catholic home, attended Catholic School, and I can admit that there are things that make me question my beliefs. There have been times in my life when I have questioned whether there is a God, and if so.. how could he let certain things happen. I've thought about other religions and whether or not they would be more appropriate for me...but anyway.. I don't want to get too into this, just thought it was worth mentioning..
I don't really think this is surprising at all, its actually pretty understandable. There are so many controversial issues that surround religious practices today, that it makes people question their religion. I was raised in a Catholic home, attended Catholic School, and I can admit that there are things that make me question my beliefs. There have been times in my life when I have questioned whether there is a God, and if so.. how could he let certain things happen. I've thought about other religions and whether or not they would be more appropriate for me...but anyway.. I don't want to get too into this, just thought it was worth mentioning..
Baking :)
So... one of my favorite things to do is bake. It doesn't matter what it is or what it is for, I enjoy it. One of my favorite desserts to bake (and to eat) is cheesecake, so I am always on the prowl for new and scrumptious recipes. I found a recipe that sounds delicious and really simple compared to my usual recipe. Take a look at Mini Black-Bottom Cheesecake. The only thing I would change is to use marscarpone cheese instead of fromage blanc (or even 1/3 cup more of cream cheese, with 1/3 cup of sour cream). It is easier to find marscarpone in a supermarket than having to go to a specialty store for fromage blanc. The consistency should be about the same..its definitely a recipe I need to test out... sometime soon :)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Can't Sleep
So.... I can't sleep, and I don't know why. Well that's not true, I'm sure there is an endless list of reasons why I can't sleep. There are way too many things racing through my mind and I can't clear my head for long enough to sleep. All of the obvious things jump to mind ... my list of assignments and readings and study guides I need to complete for this week of classes, the fact that at this very moment..I would do anything to be at home instead of school, my adjustment period takes longer and longer each time I come back here ( I think that is because I have more to look forward to at home than I do at school). Other things on my mind... the weather, although the snow is beautiful as I said in my earlier post, I'm going to be pissed if it messes up my week. Hmm.. another factor... I've been trying to get this chip off my shoulder for the past few months so that I can just be happy and not hide anything anymore and I just can't seem to find a way to deal with the situation (too many details to explain..maybe some other time) ...but eventually I'll figure that out, hopefully within the next few weeks. Then of course there is always issues when it comes to family. I've got a wonderful family, I love them all, but sometimes I just need my own space, my own time, and whenever I am home, there is always a fight over who I spend more time with... its just ridiculous. It feels a lot better to get some of this off my chest... maybe I can sleep now.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Don't underestimate the power of snow...
Just a quick thought. I'm sure all of us think about snow and usually cringe. Automatically our thoughts go straight to shoveling out our cars, tracking snow through the house, slushy and slippery stairs and soaked shoes.

Today was different though, with the recent storm leaving us with about 8-10 inches of snow, I decided to embrace it. Feeling like a child again, a friend and I made a snowman, and a snow angel. We then decided to just lay in the snow for a while, staring up at the falling snowflakes with these gigantic grins on our faces. It's been about 9-10 years since I actually PLAYED with snow, instead of just pushing it to the side and let me tell you ....today was GREAT. At first, I was hesitant, feeling sorta foolish. But I thought "What the heck? Can't hurt right?".
I know that the snow can be annoying, especially when it comes to traveling, but at the same time.. how can you get mad at something so beautiful. The trees are dusted with it, and it makes them stand out so much more. The mountains around me are covered in snow and it really just takes your breath away if you take the time to appreciate it.
So if anyone is feeling like they need a few minutes to let loose, and feel like a kid again...why not make a snowman?

Today was different though, with the recent storm leaving us with about 8-10 inches of snow, I decided to embrace it. Feeling like a child again, a friend and I made a snowman, and a snow angel. We then decided to just lay in the snow for a while, staring up at the falling snowflakes with these gigantic grins on our faces. It's been about 9-10 years since I actually PLAYED with snow, instead of just pushing it to the side and let me tell you ....today was GREAT. At first, I was hesitant, feeling sorta foolish. But I thought "What the heck? Can't hurt right?".
So if anyone is feeling like they need a few minutes to let loose, and feel like a kid again...why not make a snowman?
i've got a little explaining to do....
Okay, so in case you haven't noticed, I'm a first time blogger. My name is Amanda and I don't really have a reason for starting this blog, other than the fact that I thought it would be a good place to get out my frustrations and thoughts about everyday life. The whole idea for this blog with it's title (Sit back, relax and enjoy) comes from the fact that in my family, we would sit down over coffee everyday and talk about what went on during our day. It's kinda our time to let loose, and right now I am away at school and don't really get to have "Coffee Talk" with my mom and sisters, so this blog is going to be my "coffee talk" session, whenever I need it. I imagine that there is going to be absolutely no order to this or any one topic..it will just be a collection of my thoughts.. about anything.. and everything.
So.. Sit Back, Relax and Enjoy
So.. Sit Back, Relax and Enjoy
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